Interesting, Enriching, Thought Provoking Daily Read Life Blogs

Friday, July 7, 2023

The Secret of Staying Young Lies Within Your Outlook and Spirit

 You don’t grow by your age; you grow old by your mind

Rambai The Great Runner

Rambai, a forever-young, 106-year-old sprinter who won three gold medals at the 18th National Open Athletics Championships held by Yuvrani Sports Committee at Dehradun, took up athletics just two years back at the age of 104 and proved to the world that Age is Just a Number.


Rambai, born in Kadma, a small village in Charkhi Dadri in Haryana, spent her life in household chores and working laboriously in her family farmland. She felt motivated to take up athletics in the year 2016 when she got to KNOW about the resounding success of Man Kaur from Punjab who made headlines at the age of 100 by becoming world’s fastest centenarian after winning Gold at American Masters Game in Vancouver. She bettered her own world record in 2017 by shaving seven seconds off. It was Sharmila, 41-year-old granddaughter of Rambai who encouraged her by saying if she could achieve such phenomenal Success why not her. And, here the journey of an over 100 athlete begins- she started professional practice with adequate diet and a strong determination to reach at the top. Her extraordinary stamina due to years of hard work in fields and a healthy diet consisting of homemade dairy products and farm fresh vegetables was a booster in this journey.


After two years’ persistent practice she finally broke Man Kaur’s record by completing the 100m sprint in just 45.50 seconds at the Open Masters Athletics Championships in Vadodara in the year June 2022.


Each of us wants to stay young and tries to find youth in anti-aging cosmetic products, expensive treatments and skin-tightening procedures but the secret of staying young lies within the outlook and our spirit how we take our youth and our ageless inner self. Do we think youth is merely a passing phase of life or it’s a state of mind?


EduEmeRalds defines Youth as an inner radiance that stems from withholding a youthful spirit and elixir that defies the chronological age. Youth is reflected through the vigor of your emotions and the freshness of your spirit; it is the stride, your sprightly gait that helps you retain the enthusiasm and vitality despite the wobbly knees and weak legs. Youth lies in realizing your ageless inner self that always yearns to look at life with a new perspective and to learn to unlearn and relearn.


Secret of Staying Young

How to Radiate an Ageless Glow-

Aging is a process that affects us mentally more than physically; the physical changes are just a byproduct of how we perceive our aging. That’s why we observe many people active and in high spirits even at the age of eighty, conversely, we see many who surrender to their aging process and start depending on others even during their sixties.


By embracing an ageless glow one can defy the number of years one has lived. Age is not defined solely by physical appearance but by how we perceive and present ourselves. A positive mindset, healthy lifestyle, and self-care can radiate an ageless glow that transcends the number on our birth certificate. Cultivating self-confidence, practicing gratitude, and engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfilment contribute to an aura of youthfulness that surpasses the boundaries of age.


Be Willing to Change-

Sometimes growing old makes people rigid and they don’t like to change their ways of life. They feel what they do, think and believe is always right because they have a richer experience of LIFE but cultivating willingness to change keeps us always young and enthusiastic about life. As we grow older, it's crucial to remain open to change. Change is inevitable, and by embracing it, we open ourselves up to new horizons and Opportunities for personal growth. Letting go of outdated beliefs, habits, and routines allows us to adapt to evolving circumstances and stay relevant in a rapidly changing world. By cultivating a flexible mindset, we can continue to evolve and flourish regardless of our age.


Age Can't Hinder Dreams and Passions:

Our dreams and passions never age, their intensity doesn’t depend on months and years we have lived so far. In a society that often associates Dreams with youth, vitality and productivity; it's easy to fall into the trap of believing that age dictates our abilities and limitations. Hence, age old people can’t dream and pursue their passion. But dreams are timeless, and they should never be limited by age. It's never too late to embark on a new career, start a business, or explore creative endeavours. The accomplishments of numerous individuals who found success later in life, such as Colonel Sanders of KFC who started his venture at the age of 65, and Grandma Moses who started painting at the ripe old age of 78, serve as reminders that age is not a deterrent but an opportunity to pursue what truly ignites our spirits. Age should fuel our determination, rather than dampen our enthusiasm.


This blog explores the idea that true growth lies in the spirit of lifelong Learning. Age should never be a barrier to acquiring knowledge or learning new skills. In fact, as we accumulate life experiences, we gain a unique perspective that enriches our learning journey. Whether it's pursuing formal education, exploring new hobbies, or simply staying curious about the world, the willingness to learn keeps our minds sharp, expands our horizons, and fosters personal development. Age should inspire us to become lifelong students rather than discourage us from seeking new knowledge.


Blog EduEmeRalds advocates the concept of "age is just a number" which reminds us that our true potential knows no bounds. Regardless of our chronological age, we have the power to radiate an ageless glow, embrace change, pursue lifelong learning, and chase our dreams and passions. Let's decide that age will never hinder our ability to live life to the fullest.


The secret of staying young  lies within your outlook and spirit, and in the way how you choose to perceive your aging. By radiating an ageless glow, through positivity and self-care, embracing change, nurturing a thirst for Knowledge, and pursuing your dreams and passions, you can break free from the constraints that society may impose based on age.


Let us all remember that no matter how many years have passed; the fire within us can continue to burn brightly, propelling us toward a life of fulfilment and purpose!

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Know Thyself to Enjoy the Bliss and Beauty of Your Life

 Know Yourself to Create a Blissful and Successful Life

Know Thyself

In the Pursuit of a blissful and successful life, one of the most crucial yet often overlooked aspects is self-awareness. Understanding oneself at a deeper level and embracing individuality can lead to immense personal growth, contentment, and achievement. Today, at EduEmeralds, we will explore the significance of knowing yourself and how it can pave the way for a fulfilling and prosperous life.


Respecting and evaluating every aspect of your personality fills you with self-love and enriches your self-concept. Is there any past experience or failure that pushes you hard to still judge yourself? Let's dive deeper into each of the three headings to further elaborate on why it's important to know thyself to enjoy the bliss and Beauty of life.


1. Accept and Love the Incomplete You:

In a society that often glorifies Perfection and places unrealistic expectations on individuals, where respect and adulation can be garnered only by becoming impeccable, we must acknowledge and embrace our imperfections. Nobody is flawless, none is complete; and trying to meet unattainable standards can lead to self-doubt, low self-esteem, and unhappiness.

Self-acceptance involves recognizing that our flaws and shortcomings are a part of who we are, and they do not diminish our worth as individuals. By accepting ourselves as incomplete beings, we open ourselves up to personal growth and self-improvement. We can identify areas where we want to develop and work on them without judgment or self-criticism.

Moreover, self-acceptance fosters authenticity. When we stop trying to hide or mask our imperfections, we allow ourselves to be true to us and genuine and never hesitate in embracing our uniqueness and owning our flaws that helps us to build stronger connections with others, as people are often drawn to authenticity and honesty. By accepting and Loving the incomplete aspects of ourselves, we cultivate self-compassion, build resilience, and create a foundation for a blissful and successful life.

Beauty of Life


2. Plan Your Freedom and Have Clarity on Your Decisions:


Living a fulfilling life requires having a clear understanding of our aspirations, desires, and values. Without self-awareness, we may find ourselves drifting through life, guided by external expectations or the opinions of others. This can result in a lack of fulfillment and a sense of being disconnected from our true selves.

Planning our own freedom involves taking the time to explore our passions, interests, and Goals. It requires self-reflection to identify what truly matters to us and what we want to achieve in various aspects of our lives, such as career, relationships, personal growth, and well-being. By setting clear goals and creating a roadmap, we regain control over our lives and actively work towards the future we envision.


Having clarity on our decisions is crucial for living in alignment with our authentic Self. It means making Choices that resonate with our individuality, values, aspirations, and long-term objectives. When we have a deep understanding of ourselves, we can evaluate options and make decisions that are congruent with who we are and what we want to achieve. This empowers us to live a life that is authentic and meaningful, rather than one dictated by external pressures or societal norms.


By planning our freedom and having clarity on our decisions, we create a sense of purpose and direction. This allows us to invest our time and energy in activities and pursuits that truly matter to us, leading to a more fulfilling and successful LIFE.


Enjoy the Bliss

3. Let Your Intuition Steer the Ship of your life

In a world that often prioritizes rationality and logic, tapping into our intuition can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and decision-making. Intuition is our innate ability to understand and perceive things beyond what can be explained by rational thought alone. It is a valuable source of wisdom that dwells inside each of us.

To harness the power of intuition, it is essential to Cultivate self-awareness and create space for quiet reflection. Practices like yoga, meditation, journaling, or spending time with nature can help quieten the noise of the external world and allow us to connect with our inner Self. By tuning in to our intuition, we can access insights and guidance that come from a deeper place within us.


Intuition should not replace rational thinking but rather complement it. By combining logical reasoning with intuitive insights, we can make decisions that are not only well-reasoned but also aligned with our authentic selves. Intuition can help us navigate through uncertainty, trust our Instincts, and make choices that lead us towards a more blissful and successful life.

Dear Readers, knowing oneself is an endless process of self-exploration that involves accepting and loving our imperfect Self, planning our own freedom, and listening to our intuition. By embracing our flaws, setting clear goals aligned with our values, and tapping into our inner wisdom, we create a foundation for personal growth, fulfillment, and success. Through self-awareness, we can lead lives that are purposeful, blissful, and deeply satisfying.

Knowing oneself is a transformative journey that enables individuals to embrace their imperfections, plan their own freedom, and trust their intuition. By accepting and loving ourselves as incomplete beings, we foster self-compassion, develop self-love and open the door to personal growth. Planning our own freedom and having clarity on our decisions empowers us to live a life that is meaningful, far from false ambitions, and free from external expectations. Finally, by letting our intuition guide us, we tap into our inner wisdom and make choices that lead to a blissful and successful existence.


Embarking on the path of self-discovery is a lifelong endeavor, and it requires courage, patience, and self-reflection. However, the rewards are immeasurable. By knowing ourselves, we unlock the key to a life filled with authenticity, fulfillment, and the joy of living as our true self.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Compassionate Listening is the Essence of a Perfect Parenting

Why Compassionate Listening is Essential for Perfect Parenting 

Shobhna was worried about her son, Aniket’s growing anger and defiance in every small, petty issue. She could sense something wasn’t right with his surroundings and the people with whom he was interacting and spending most of his time. However, apart from growing in age nothing much has changed in their family and social LIFE, his friends, school, and other classes and the family Friends all are the same. Yet what was bothering Aniket and why was he getting arrogant and impatient remained a question for the parents. Finally, Shobhna and her husband Amit decided to consult a counselor which brought forth so many revelations about themselves and their own behavior with him; something so strange which they were completely unaware of.

Shobhna and Amit aren’t the only parents who forget to grow as a parent with the growth of their kids. Teenagers demand a different type of attention and behaviour at home and school but the irony is: they receive it nowhere. They are often misunderstood, judged, and defined at every stage due to the changing pattern of their attitude, their response to various situations, and largely how they look at the world with their growing age.

In this intellectually competitive world, the root cause of anger and arrogance in teenagers is the lack of ability to express what they are going through and their strong perception that their elders won’t listen to them empathically. This certainly means that they have experienced it quite often in the past and this apathy is deep-rooted in their heart. As a result, they start intentionally sabotaging and alienating themselves without even realizing what they are doing. These unresolved issues lead to anxiety and distrust which have long-term effects on children’s minds.

Compassionate Listening

What Should Parents Do-

For any parent, it’s quite natural to be a problem solver for kids and be ready to fix their problems with instant advice and providing them with a list of Dos and Don’ts. Conversely, they just want to be listened to and have their problems heard with empathy and attention. Here, Compassionate Listening is the only way to cultivate understanding and love among teenagers and this is the best help parents can provide their growing kids. If you are a patient listener to them they will also imbibe this virtue and will become better and happier people so the best gift one can give to the loved ones is the gift of compassionate listening and loving speech.

Compassionate listening stimulates and awakens a deep sagacity of kindness and responsibility in teenagers. They cultivate kindness and responsibility towards self, society at large, the world, and the environment. When you teach responsibility to your child you teach so many dimensions of it altogether.

Perfect Parenting

Listening Develops Communication-

Listening is the most important and powerful of all SKILLS. To bring about reconciliation and restore love and communication can only be possible with the practices of Compassionate Listening and loving speech.

“When communication is cut off, we suffer. When no one listens to us, we are like bombs ready to explode.”

The aggressive behaviour of Teenagers is due to the absence of compassionate listening. Make sure you lend your sympathetic ear not judgments even if you feel they are mistaken for something. Reflective listening is the best tool to make them feel understood and cared for. Your simple sentence- “I understand what you are going through,” can cement your communication with your child forever as it will make them encouraged to tell you more about them and their problems. Your stronger and unbiased communication can help them liberate from many wrong perceptions and afflictions.

Comparison is a Silent Killer-

To encourage children we often set examples for our kids, “Look, Mr. Sharma’s son got selected for IIT; and our neighbour, Mrs. Batra’s daughter made her way for Nationals.” This behaviour kills your child’s latent potential because he understands your definition of success based on only those parameters that others have achieved. Unknowingly you thwart the efforts of exploring their passion and setting goals for themselves that might be different from your perception. Stop comparing and start listening to them about what they want to set for themselves, whom they consider as their role models. Don’t impose your wishes and opinions on them, let them decide their aspirations. Never compare your child with anyone not even with siblings because Mother Nature has taken care of diversity with utmost precision and uniqueness.

Compassionate listening will inherently be the essence of  PERFECT parenting and allows you to develop deeper trust and empathy towards your growing kids and their tantrums. In this brutal world of expectations, aspirations, peer pressure, self-image, and social acceptance a teenager falls trapped in the labyrinths of unspeakable secrets, unbearable rejections, irreversible regrets, unkept promises, unfulfilled dreams, and unforgettable first crush. And, it's imperative to understand and listen to your child's spoken and unspoken emotions so that you can always help him.

The parent’s role is multifaceted in a child’s life. They are the best teachers, role models, friends, and many more for their children but to have a positive impact on their child’s growth, parents must imbibe first what they wish to impart. Practice before you preach is the best way to have profound and perfect parenting. If you can’t deliver or explain something that means you haven’t understood it well enough. So what you want to see in your child, make sure it must be reflected in your behaviour. Let the realization dawn first upon you that in a bid to teach them to be loving and empathic, parents must be equally kind, loving, and empathic towards the people around them; they are smarter enough to emulate you. Compassionate listening is the essence of a perfect parenting, and becoming a perfect person as well. So, improve yourself as a better person to become a better parent.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Live in the Present Moment to Enjoy a Beautiful Life!

Life is what you have at this moment! 

Present Moment

The concept of living in the present moment and making the most of it isn’t new. Since eons humans know the benefits of living in the present moment in every realm of life- good health, better Relationships, success, and greater levels of Happiness, everything comes with a constant practice of making your present better than the past. The past is already gone and the future, is yet to come, so you have only this present moment to alter your way of life.

Living in the present and taking a keen interest in what you are involved in right now best resonates with your own cause of happiness and taking pride in your existence. Only a Mindful person takes full control of his/her present and gives true meaning to his life. Mindfulness helps you learn to appreciate the present and gain new perspectives which are relevant and practical at this time. Be wise and judicious about the present moment when you are Making Decision that will eventually affect your future so utilizing the present wisely will lead you to a better tomorrow.

“Never let a day pass to give you a cause to say, I will do better tomorrow.”

Beautiful Life

Over-Thinking about Future Causes Fear

We all have heard: To make a better tomorrow one should start working today for it; because you can only control today neither the past nor your future. But, ironically most of the present time goes in overthinking and suffering anxiety for the future and nagging or lamenting over the past. Thus, no efforts are put in to bettering one’s LIFE by focusing on correcting the present. Fear can be an ally if it gives you a signal that you need to urgently Pay Attention to something and if you do so it can turn into an incredible opportunity for growth and a better life. Conversely, if you keep entertaining fear for the unknown future and overthink about what will happen next, it can be debilitating as you develop chronic anxiety in such situation and never be able to enjoy the different phases of your life with their different flavors.

Focus on What You Have Today to Begin with-

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bushes and this bird is the best metaphor for time and opportunity in our life. We fail to focus on what we have right now and waste our time in prolonged thought processes to expect beyond our limits which eventually diminishes the energy and positivity of the present moment and enslaves us of excuses, procrastination, and Failures in life. The life that we live in our thoughts mirror our dreams, ambitions, and future aspirations which may be unrealistic sometimes but the life that we live as our experience of the present moment sculpts a better tomorrow for us. So, it’s very important to strike a balance and cultivate harmony in our thoughts and the present moment.

Live in the Present

Stop Crying Over the Spilt Milk-

Good and bad, positive or Negative, success or failure, all are inseparable and unavoidable elements of life that you can’t change. But getting indulged in pleasurable memories and crying over the agonizing past is a very common habit that takes us nowhere and destroys our happiness. Things that have passed are gone forever so ruminating over the past is a sheer waste of time, completely unproductive, and sometimes you find it very difficult to extricate yourself from this state of mind. If you invite muck into your life in this form it will sooner or later ooze outside and will be very pernicious for your mental and emotional well-being.

Most of the happiness Goals are interdependent and connected with some other event. Like; if this happens I will be happy, if I get a promotion I will be happy or if I go on this trip, it will bring happiness in my life. But, just contemplate, does it ever happen? Why don’t we feel happy during the process- like working hard for the promotion and patting ourselves for doing something great, enjoying the packing and the journey before we reach our travel destination. It will allow us to be present and enjoy the moment without desperately waiting for another moment to bring happiness.

Life’s beauty lies in how you perceive it, not how it looks because it’s not the life that is beautiful; it’s you who makes it beautiful. Do not let the fear of the future consume your today's happiness. Live in the present moment to enjoy a beautiful life. Let’s take the lessons from the past, strategize them today and have a fulfilling future. Live like there’s no tomorrow and learn like you will never die.

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Fulfilling Commitment with Self is the Biggest Conquest of Life

Arunima Sinha and her Commitment with Self

Mountaineer Arunima sinha
Padam Shri Arunima Sinha

Arunima Sinha who decided to become a winner and not a victim of the mishaps and miseries of her life emerged as an inspiration for many despondent youngsters who are on the verge of quitting their passion and Dreams.

Arunima Sinha, born on 20 July 1989, India’s first female amputee mountaineer to scale Mt. Everest has shown her grit and determination and proved that your biggest conquest in life is fulfilling your Commitment With Yourself.

Before all the achievements of Arunima, there’s a grim and horrifying story that changed her life completely. Back in the year 2011, she was a national-level volleyball player and she was thrown off a running train while she was travelling to attempt her CISF examination. She fought hard to resist the robbery in train and refused to give her gold chain to the thieves, to revenge upon her audacity, the thieves threw her out of the train. The whole night, Arunima Sinha, who had her leg cut off, screamed in agonizing and unbearable pain. She then fought for her Life in a hospital for the next four months and due to the accident, her leg had to be amputated below the knee.

After having received an artificial limb, she resolved not to be a victim of the circumstances but to become a winner emerging out of all odds. Her biggest motivation was the autobiography of Yuvraj Singh, Indian cricketer- You We Can narrating his battle with cancer and his phenomenal comeback at Indian cricket. She refused the job provided as compensation and decided to live her life on her own terms and conditions and not on others’ mercy.

After having recovered fully, she joined the Eco Everest Expedition team at a training camp managed by the Tata Steel Adventure Foundation in Uttarkashi and got trained under mountaineer Bachendri Pal. Her arduous training year made her physically tough, yet sometimes when she couldn’t compete with the normal people, she felt disheartened. But her strong commitment to herself and an undying desire to conquer the world kept her going.

Within two years, Arunima was ready to climb the highest mountain peak. When she was very close to her goal, she went running out of oxygen and it seemed there were few chances of her survival. But as we know, “When you want something so ardently, the entire universe conspires in helping you to achieve it” and the same happened with Arunima. The same day, a British mountaineer threw away an additional oxygen cylinder after he had decided to return home without climbing and that cylinder was grabbed by Sherpa Kancha and thus Arunima’s life was saved.

Finally, on May 21, 2013, just after two years of the accident, dawned upon the victorious day, when she proved that people can only cripple you physically but none can paralyze your spirit, your mindset, and your commitment with self until you allow it. She hoisted the national tricolor at Mt. Everest and became the first female amputee mountaineer to reach the highest summit in the world. It was an arduous expedition of 52 days that gave birth to a new Arunima, the unstoppable, the invincible. 

With her firm resolve, she conquered the highest peaks in all seven continents of the world- Everest in Asia, Kilimanjaro in Africa, Elbrus in Europe, Kosizko in Australia, Aconcagua in Argentina (South America), Carstensz Pyramid in Indonesia and the final summit, Mount Vinson in Antarctica.

She has been conferred the Padma Shri, India’s 4th highest civilian award in the year 2015. She taught that it takes stronger commitments, perseverance, and poise that zero in on the goals and take home the winning trophies.  

Commitment with Self

How to Stay Committed with Self

Commitment begins with strong emotions of intent and focus, associated with a perfect plan and purpose, and ends with the ‘Eureka’ moment of achieving something. Cognizant of the fact that commitment is the essential ingredient of the recipe of success, we often mistake commitment as  promise; a commitment requires infinite fortitude to not deviate and staying true to yourself and to your goal. Your goals can be any- a healthier life, fitness, better Relationships, professional growth, spirituality, or Cultivating a Habit. Your commitment motivates you to abandon your Comfort Zone and keep moving to gauge your progress.

Commitment makes you Unstoppable

Cognizant of the fact that setbacks and Obstacles are the inevitable corollaries of striving on the way to achieving success, one feels invigorated and confident if they possess an unwavering commitment with self. Being committed helps you remain fully engaged in all your endeavors, stay conscious and persistent enough to turn new leaf in life. A true commitment isn’t something that go with your choices and liking or convenience but it is a force that propelled you from average to excellent and serves as an anchor while surmounting the stumbling blocks.

Commitment Teaches you to Prioritize and to Be Proactive

There are moments when you are left flummoxed by the barrage of social and professional commitments making you oblivion of your personal commitments leading to a catastrophic distraction from your Goals. Let’s understand it with a simple example; suppose you have taken a fitness goal but you experience a bombardment of household chores, time clashes, kids’ attention, etc. Now what you need is a stronger commitment with your fitness regime because commitment is the only factor that will keep you anchored in what you want to achieve. It gives momentum to your thinking process to prioritize and distinguish between what is important and what is more important. It helps you dedicate the right amount of dedication and energy to the right things at perfect time. In the same vein, it instills a proactive attitude because commitment organizes your life and when you are free from the clutter of disturbing and distracting elements you become strongly able to pursue what you want in life.

Fulfilling commitment to self is the biggest conquest of life because it gives you the courage to risk going far and only those who can risk going too far can possibly explore and know their limits- how far can they go?

Not life, but good life, is to be chiefly valued.


Sunday, February 19, 2023

Let’s Welcome Miracles in Life by Paying More Attention

 How Paying More Attention Can be Miraculous in Life

Abhimanyu the son of Arjuna

“Attention is a precious faculty; the mind may forget what it has learned, but the faculty of being attentive, once acquired, is never lost.”

We all know the importance of paying attention in LIFE

As we all know, the story of Abhimanyu makes one of Mahabharata's most fascinating stories. Abhimanyu, son of Subhadra and Arjuna, the quintessence of an attentive, Mindful, and focused warrior who learned to penetrate Chakravyuha, a formidable military formation that could be countered only by a few and played a significant role in the battle of Kurukshetra.

Abhimanyu’s stronger attention levels even as an unborn child made him gain knowledge of Chakravuaha. When Arjuna was talking to his wife Subhadra about how to break this circular military formation Abhimanyu heard the strategic information in his mother’s womb but Subhadra dozed off after a while and he couldn’t learn how to come out of Chakravyuha. He grew up in Dwarka and was trained by Pradyuman, son of Shri Krishna, and the finest archer, Arjuna, his Father himself. Abhimanyu was a courageous and fearsome warrior and was able to hold mighty Drona, Karna, Duryodhana, and Dushasana for long hours. His audacious bravery and indomitable courage won him much admiration even from the enemies.

On the 13th day of the Kurukshetra battle, Pandavas were challenged to break Chakravyuha and Pandavas accepted the Challenge willingly because Krishna and Arjuna both knew how to break and defeat such formation. However, on the same day, Krishna and Arjuna were dragged into combating at another war front against Samsaptakas. Since they had already accepted the challenge, they were left with no choice but to allow Abhimanyu to endeavour for the same. The young lad successfully broke into the formation but his uncles were trapped and cut off effectively by Jayadratha, eventually, Abhimanyu was left alone to fend for himself against the huge army of Kauravas.

On that fateful day, Abhimanyu kept fighting the relentless ferocity and the despicable military maneuvers by Kauravs. He valiantly struggled single-handedly slaying the warriors whoever was coming his way including Laxman, the son of Duryodhana. Seeing the dismantled body of his beloved son, Duryodhana was incensed and commanded all his soldiers to attack Abhimanyu. Keeping all the codes of war aside all Kauravas attacked simultaneously, his chariot was broken down, and all weapons were destroyed yet he didn’t give up. He took a chariot wheel, and attacked the elephants and the cavalry; he kept holding his own until his sword was broken and the chariot wheel shattered into pieces. Dushasana’s son crushed his skull with a mace but this wasn’t a victory for Kauravas, in fact, this despicable act laid the foundation for the Killing of Duryodhana and the brutal end of Kaurava dynasty. It is said that his death marked the end of the adherence to the code of war and was recorded as a black chapter, an epilogue to all fair and nobly conducted wars.

Abhimanyu’s heightened levels of attention made him Learn the impossible and win him the title of an unforgettable warrior. A closely paid attention even on the common things can bring miracles in your life. An attentive person is by default a meticulous planner, and perfectionist.

How The Paying More Attention

Art of Attention is the Art of Learning-

The true art of learning is actually the art of Attention; consistent focus on your surroundings especially the things that interest you, along with mind and actions aligned to it will surely give the desired results.

The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass or a small bird flying in the sky, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself. Very often, in a bid to attain our ludicrous and lofty goal, we forget to pay close attention to the beauty and amazement of the smallest things around us. Thus, we miss the opportunity to learn the bigger Lessons in life. The joy of paying attention is a virtue to aspire for and inculcate, and it is always elevating. Paying attention helps us develop deeper interests in things and happenings leading to improving the Power of expressing our positive sentiments, being open and welcoming to new vistas and horizons to explore our passion in the unknown realms also.

The habit of paying attention helps you integrate yourself around your core and to learn everything you find difficult prima facie.

Welcome Miracles in Life

Being Attentive is Being More Productive

Your heightened levels of attention can propel your productivity to higher levels because you develop focus on all details before initiating your plans leading to stronger commitments and persistence in your efforts. Paying Attention to something means falling in love with that particular task and when you love to do something, you get never tired of doing that. A silent observation with greater attention on any phenomenon will surely form the praxis of a focused and fulfilled life for you. A less attentive person always flounders for lack of purpose and focus and keeps wandering willy-nilly.

v Paying attention during communication is a symbol of respect and empathy to fellow people; it helps you build rapport with others.

v Paying Attention inculcates the habit of appreciating people, environment, and objects which eventually fills you with bliss and gratitude; the two most important factors to live a fulfilled and joyous life. Admiration for others is a priceless commodity to possess these days so if you pay attention to others –you learn to admire them.

v Looking closely at everything gets you acquainted with the nuances of it, the more you notice, the more you gain. You get enough food for thought and develop creative ideas.

v Paying attention fills us with mystery and awe; it makes us aware of the beauty and mysticism. We make expensive travel plans to explore diversity at a larger level but miss the opportunity to focus on and admire the minute details of any culture or place. It’s very important to be attentive to turn yourself into an inquisitive person.

So, dear Readers at EduEmeralds, next time you see a leaf falling from a branch, clouds soaring in the sky or birds chirping in the vicinity pay attention to these wonders. Pay attention to the gentle touch of your loved ones or what they whisper in your ears, pay attention to the smell of soil at the time of downpour, pay attention when you breathe deeply, and admire when you notice the sun rising. You will surely realize how smaller things and efforts take you to greater heights!

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

The Secret Powers of Silence in Your Life

 Let the Silence Speak Louder than Your Words

Justice Joyita Mondal

India’s first transgender Judge, Joyita Mondal proved her silence to be louder than words. She belongs to a traditional Hindu family based at Kolkata, West Bengal. She suffered discrimination in her growing years because of her gender identity. Being the third and youngest child of the family, she received much pampering and adoration of the family. But things started changing, and getting worse; when she tried to speak about her gender identity and expressed to live her LIFE on her own terms and individuality.

In Grade 5, she was admitted to a boys’ school and soon became an object of mockery for everyone just because her acceptance for her gender identity wasn’t in consonance with those orthodox norms of society where only male and female genders were accepted to be normal and natural; rest any other gender IDENTITY is just an insult or a punishment imposed on a human by Nature. Nobody wanted to befriend Joyita, nobody wanted to sit and interact with her and this made Joyita dejected, humiliated and depressed at her core. Adding to her agony, even her family didn’t support her. Her mother took her vulnerability as a mental disease, consulted a Psychiatrist and she was tortured with electric shocks. When she designed Heena on her palms during Durga Pooja like her sisters, her hands and feet were tied and locked up in room. For next arduous eight years, she wasn’t allowed to attend the Durga Pooja Celebration.

Blog Eduemeralds salutes the silence of Joyita Mondal who fought for her rights and choices till she succeeded in getting respect for her identity and now she is the one who performs all the rituals of the Durga Pooja for Transgender’s Community, that too in the presence of her mother.

She dropped out of school after struggling and being bullied by other boys, left her home and started begging for livelihood. She resumed her studies and completed her degree in law. In 2010 she became the first transgender person to hold voter ID. Silently and courageously kept facing and fighting the tyranny unleashed by the society and her own family till she became the first transgender judge of India in the year 2017.

But she didn’t end her journey after her personal achievements; she continued to fight for the people of her community who were deprived of basic rights and facilities. She pioneered Dinajpur Notun Alo Society, an NGO to fight for the rights of transgender people. She kept standing undaunted like a rock and never compromised with her choices in life. Her hard work came to fruition when the Supreme Court finally declared the recognition to transgender people as the third gender.

Joyita’s silent battle against all odds won her everything she wanted in her life and set an inspiration for many who want to fight back and prove their mettle. She proved that silence can speak louder than words and silent and sincere action of a person brings success and glory in the end.

The Secret Power of Silence

Silence is the biggest Strength

Silence gives intellectual intrepidity which is one of the most important prerequisites of charting out a PERFECT action plan to succeed in life. Words often exhaust our energy and focus which result into fickleness of mind and dilution of purpose. Silence empowers you to resolve how to exercise the power of mind, to have stronger faith in one’s abilities and to avoid distractions while moving towards goals.

 Silence gives you ample time to talk to yourself and bolster your innate qualities. Conversely, boasting about self and indulging in unnecessary arguments give birth to insatiable urges, amplified anger and a tendency to dominate others. So, practicing silence is practicing self-empowerment. As silence is practiced with solitude making it a winning combination, it always makes you swift in using a variety of approaches and umpteen strategies for task management.

Silence Helps You Harness Equipoise

Silence helps you deal with anger and trains you to use it constructively, it allows you to harness your poise and stay calm during stressful situations. Silence aligns your body, mind and soul and thus, you acquire an intense insight in whatever you do and gain control of your time, attitude and energy. Silence keeps your thought process miles apart from distractions and clutter. Staying silent on your plans and projects yields better results and improves your productivity tenfold. 

Silence has ample benefits in personal relationships also; it makes you more reflective and enhance problem-solving attitude. When you speak less about your life situations, you focus more upon them and become persistent to improve them. When you cultivate the habit of contemplation, you have to experience silence and this practice promotes self-growth and creative imagination. Silence is intellectually stimulating so refrain yourself from over-indulgence and noisy exaggerations; when your mind is completely occupied by external noise it becomes very difficult to think creatively, stay focused and resolve conflicts. Silence connects you with your inner self which motivates you not to get sullied by overactive emotions and be a victim of such emotional havoc. A calm and peaceful person who keeps verbal disasters at bay always possesses a radiating effect on everyone in their orbit.

Silence is one of the strongest tools in daily communications also. Often silence is heard more than the louder words because any negative question can be answered with a strong silence. Silence is the best response to avoid conflicts and arguments. Our silence sends a very powerful message if we find someone being offensive or speaking something that we don’t agree to. When people over-explain things and speak too much while communicating use silence to show your disapproval instead of verbal expressions. Silence conveys a range of emotions and messages and in most of the cases, silence speaks louder than words especially to express authority, confidence and denial.

Let’s learn the art of Practicing silence to farm our own life just as a seed is sown silently, watered silently and nurtured to produce a rich harvest to celebrate loudly.

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